Cover for the Self-Esteem Booster Workbook depicting a notepad with the words "you're capable of amazing things" wrote on it

Self-Esteem Booster Workbook


A self-esteem booster workbook designed to help you improve your self-esteem

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SKU: WOR-SEL-COV Categories: ,


This is the amazing Self-Esteem Booster Workbook first discussed in the Unwanted Life article – Self-Esteem Workbook: An Amazing Array Of Worksheets & Journal Ideas.

The workbook is designed to help you boost your self-esteem by providing several exercises to complete. All the exercises will have a detailed explanation of how to complete them with the addition of examples of completed exercises for added clarity.

The workbook comes in two versions:

Version One – The cover for this workbook conveys a positive message.

Version Two – The cover for this workbook features a NASA rocket space launch to emphasise the booster aspect in the workbook’s name.

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Cover Versions

Cover 1, Cover 2


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